Weekly Update 07/27/2020 – Fr. Cyril Gorgy




Beloved Holy Resurrection Church family,

I miss you and am praying that you are well and safe.

God willing we will be praying all Divine Liturgies outdoors in the second parking lot.  Please bring your own foldable chair. All participants are expected to read and STRICTLY follow the  Guidelines below.  No registration will be required for this Wednesday and Sunday. Parking will be limited and we ask that you carpool if possible.  The schedule for the Divine Liturgies is Wednesday 7-9am and Sunday 8-10:30am.

All other services will continue to be conducted virtually.  Sunday Sermon will be available Sunday Morning on HRC YouTube channel (HRC Media Page).

Last Sunday we were reminded of the miracle of feeding the multitude.  We learned that the banquet that Jesus set in a deserted place and fed the five thousand, was an icon for the banquet table that the Lord sets for us every time we celebrate the Divine Liturgy where He offers us His Body and Blood on the Altar.  In the second coming, the foretastes we have received in this life will blossom into the fullness of life and the Bride and Groom will at last live in the eternal marriage supper of the Lamb. “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” Revelation 19:9

We pray for those who are sick, and for the end of this pandemic.

May our Risen Lord support and protect you, and your family by the power of His Holy Resurrection.  Missing you very much.

For His Glory,

Fr. Cyril




General Guidelines


Please review and abide by the following guidelines prior to attending church: 

  • Please STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK, or if you have a history or are experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness, including FEVER or COUGH.  
  • If you have traveled in that last TWO WEEKS, please do not sign up to attend a Divine Liturgy until, TWO WEEKS have passed since you returned and you do not have any COVID19 symptoms, or you have been tested negative twice.
  • If you were in direct contact with anyone that tested positive for COVID-19, please do not sign up or come to the church services, whether with symptoms or not, until you are tested negative.
  • If you test positive please do not sign up or come to the church services until you are tested negative, for two consecutive tests, regardless of the time it takes to be tested negative twice.
  • Every church will take all the precautions necessary to ensure your safety, but your attendance is entirely your choice, and the church does not accept any liability. 


When you come to church:

  • Arrive on time. The church gate will ONLY be open at the beginning of the service and will remain closed for the duration. No one will be permitted to open the church door other than the church servant assigned by the clergy.
  • Your body temperature may be taken prior to entering the church.
  • You should wear a mask and gloves at all times during the service.
  • You should sanitize your hands when entering the church.


Inside the Church:

  • You must keep a minimum distance of 6 feet at all times between you and others that are not in your household.
  • Each family (same household) should seated together.
  • Children will stand with their parents even if they are deacons.
  • Please do not touch anything or anyone inside the church including icons, relics, clergy, and deacons, etc.
  • For Ologea (Al Barka), the priest will wash his hands, cut it and distribute it. You will take it with your hand without touching the priest.
  • After Liturgy, we need to stagger exiting from the church as individuals or families to ensure we maintain social distancing guidelines.


Partaking of the Eucharist:

  • Please bring your own head covering, corporeal (for communion) and water to use for partaking of the Eucharist.
  • Each family should come forward together to receive the Eucharist. As every family is approaching please maintain 6’ away from other families.
  • During communion, you will remove your mask, open your mouth wide and have your tongue lay flat so the priest can place the Holy Body on your tongue.
  • When taking the Holy Blood, open your mouth wide and the priest will pour the Blood from the spoon into your mouth.